ImageWerks Wins Business of the Year Award!!
10/31/2009Reviving the Creative Conversation
06/02/2010When you realize that the new year (2010) has come and started—you begin to ask yourself where did the last year go? For me, 2009 was a rollercoaster. I tried to explore myself creatively, but I also looked at the practical side of things. I keep telling myself, if I tell my friends, clients or social media “buds” that I’m overwhelmed with work & very busy—”poof” we’re busy. If I say the opposite—well, you know what I mean. I think I’m trying to say that if you stay positive only the best comes to you… for the negative… the same is true. For myself, family & business – I have promised myself to only stay true to myself & stay positive for 2010 and for however I do it, I am staying cognicent. About a week ago, I was visiting with a friend of mine and we were talking about happenings in our past & her comment to me stuck, “I am the poster child for positive/optimism”…. I have promised myself to stay that way.
So, why do I say in my post title, “been a while… why?” 2009, frankly was a year I would like to put behind me & my family. It was on the positive side, one of positive growth & connection. I am a person that stays positive and really only wants positive around me… that goes for personal & creative instances. The positive actually took something of a turn when it came to my family happenings in 2009. While helping my parents through health issues, I took advantage of reconnecting with my hometown—I did this during my “caretaker breaks.” I grew up in West Hartford, CT—what I thought was a small town, with nothing to offer… has turned out to be one of growth and culture. I love the new town center & the nightlife that it has to offer, but I also love the smalltown feel that it gives off. Thank god I was able to take the time to take some photos of my old haunts.
I really think the best part of it was finding out that I do not come by my creative/photography side by chance… my dad is a creative sort and has a long history of photography and art. I embrace that now and I cherish that knowledge. I would like to share some of my photo jaunts from my visit(s) this past Nov./Dec. Let me know what you think…
These photos were taken in Elizabeth Park, Hartford, CT (established in 1899), and Bloomfield, CT (the old farmer’s market).
I have another story that I’ll post tomorrow or sometime soon — family stories & photos. stay tuned…..