Cameron’s quinceneara family photos
Hot off the Presses! (again) Spotlight on Prince William 2014
08/12/2014This is a direct repost of the email I got this morning from my friend, teacher & mentor… Whitney Freya. She has put together a superb group of creative coaches for the Create You! telesummit that starts today! I hope you join me in the conversation this evening @ 7pm ET ….
Dear kathy,
You know how just ONE idea or ONE person can change everything? Yes! Me too. And you know how that one change can lead to precious moments, opportunities or ah-ha’s, right? Right. This is why you are so excited to join us this week, January 13-17th for the Create YOU! Telesummit. Let me introduce you to our speakers for today….
I am here, on the edge of my seat, excited about all of the ripples that will spill out from the heartfelt, soulful, authentic & inspired conversations. Each day this week we will share with you 5 amazingly inspired and FULL COLOR souls!
If you want to be sure to receive this menu of delectable listening opportunities each day this week, be sure to go to www.FullColorYou.com to share your email with us.
Interview with Tiffany Josephs at 7am PT/9am CT/10am ET
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 | Access Code: 215839#
Attend by Web.
What does Tiffany mean when she says, “I have gotten really masterful at trusting that in the art that is my life there is ALWAYS a place for the abstract”? Wake up with Tiffany & I and read more….
Interview with Sheree Keys at10am PT/12pm CT/1pm ET
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 | Access Code: 215839#
Attend by Web.
Sheree is record breaking, nationally televised, entrepreneur, author, mom and a painter! If she could name her “life canvas” right now it might be called “Letting Go.” Join us today to learn why. Read about her Intuition 365 program HERE.
Interview with Theresa Ceniccola at 1pm PT/3pm CT/4pm ET
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 | Access Code: 215839#
Attend by Web.
Theresa is a Creatively Fit Coach and founder of the Christian Mompreneur Network. This woman is as real as they get. She shares her full color secrets for staying calm & inspired in the midst of family, kids, business, cleaning, the dog, the sink…Calgon!
Interview with Kathy Strauss at 4pm PT/6pm CT/7pm ET
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 | Access Code: 215839#
Attend by Web.
Kathy is my Creatively Fit Coach extraordinaire! She used to work for World Bank & has now immersed herself in the art of life via her art classes, photography, design, corporate creativity training! AND she is hysterical! Visit Kathy on her website here.
Interview with Desiree East at 7pm PT/9pm CT/10pm ET
Primary dial in number: (425) 440-5100 | Access Code: 215839#
Attend by Web.
Desiree is pure joy. Just check out her magical mandalas HERE and you will want to hear how this incredibly talented soul realigned her entire life to honor her creative soul. She is a Creatively Fit Coach and lives to nurture the artist within YOU.
The 21 Day Painting Meditation Challenge starts this Saturday, January 18th. Get all the information and inspiration HERE.
What might happen if you put the brush to paper (we will be using watercolors) each day for 21 days? One thing we know for sure…something WILL happen, change will find you and you will find yourself living in FULL COLOR! Woohoo!
Put these times in your phone…don’t miss a one! As you work, or do whatever you do today, listen in and share your comments, questions, etc. HERE.
Sending you lots of full color heARTwishes today!