new ideas… staying positive
08/02/2009creative intuition
08/07/2009I’ve been thinking to myself that when I decided to start writing a blog, it was a gut wrenching idea. Was this going to be marketing tool, a journal of ideas, or just something that I did & never followed through with. The fact is, I always fought having to write—I hated it as a kid growing up & as I got older, it became harder & harder for me to even think about working with the written word. I still see the knot I used to get in my stomach when I have to sit down & put ideas to paper. I even remember the comment one of my old co-workers said to me, “you know – you’re a pretty good writer!!” I just about choked. :-(… But over the years, people have come to know me & our business for being expert/creative publication designers! It doesn’t matter, a well designed publication or even be a simple Word document, can draw the reader into it’s pages and they will read every word.
So where does that thought lead me this evening? I’m writing… did you hear that? I’m actually writing! The knot in my stomach is less than it was, years ago – my thoughts & ideas are even flowing a little freer than they used to. Funny, I take a look at my astrological sign (Aquarius) & it says, I am a writer (or at least have a talent for it), I’ve always rolled my eyes at that. But, I have ideas rolling around in my head & have been for a long time. I get a spark of inspiration & I always seem to tell myself, I’ll remember to write that down or I’ll remember to act on that idea later—not anymore. The creative spark has told me that I need to move & react to these thoughts.