deadlines & creativity….
07/31/2009ideas rolling in my head…
08/05/2009Today was an interesting process. When I say process, I actually mean working a process to my day. I’m working on being positive – very, very positive. I’m finding creative ways to focus myself – to stay present in the moment & actually manifesting the reality that I would like to experience.
First of all – I need to shout it out that I sold some of my photos at the gallery this evening! (I’m so excited). Jen Chappell – one of my WPS cohorts hosted her artist reception for her solo show this evening. She did everything right when it came to marketing her event… the gallery was packed! (way to go Jen). Because of the marketing, the crowds came & people bought art. Funny, looking back at the way I started my comments this evening, I was going to start talking about my daily affirmation practices – but I realized that some of the statements/comments I heard this evening tied into the creative theme. Questions to ask are: How did Jen get such a crowd to the gallery this evening? Was it because she asked only her friends? Could it be that she only invited only her co-workers from the DC Design Center? Actually, it was all of the above and beyond…… when you look at yourself, your business or product – you need to ask yourself several very important questions:
- how am I going to market myself/business?
- how do people know about me?
- what am I selling? (a solid object/art, myself, or an idea?)
- do I market myself using paper products & snail mail? the web/social media? only by word of mouth/personal contact?
- all of the above & more?
The answer to those questions is all of the above & more!!! I tell my clients & myself that the only way people know about us/our businesses is by marketing ourselves. If we don’t create a “buzz” about ourselves people will not know about us or our business. Funny, was talking to some of my friends this evening & they kept saying, “I don’t know many people. How am I going to put on a solo show & let people know I have work up in the gallery? I’m not going to do a solo show.” Let’s stand back & take a look at the negatives in those statements…. “I don’t know many people, how am I going to put on a solo show?” Those negative statements, imagery don’t have that creative spark… they actually have a creative block to them. What Jen did to create the buzz about her reception & work this evening was simple – “market, market, market, tell people, spread the word” Once she tapped into her creative network, the publicity buzz started & people came to her opening. Here are some of the things she did to create the buzz & get the word out.
- Created marketing postcards for the show & passed them out to everyone she knew. She put these postcards everywhere she could think of. She also mailed out some of the cards to a targeted audience.
- She posted a blog(s), gave out her postcards everywhere she went.
- Put her postcards in almost every gallery at the Workhouse
- Mailed out her postcards to her snailmail contacts
- stayed positive & talked it up
- contributed to our co-ops blob & then had the reciprical authors post similar events on their blogs
- posted & blogged about it on Facebook.
- talked, talked, talked about it. Creating a work-of-mouth about the upcoming show.
When looking back at these steps for this one party & event, I see where we can personally strenghten our marketing programs.. I would love to start a discussion about marketing, creativity & how to get the most out of the programs we have in place or don’t have. Who knows where this will go…
peace out………..