01/13/2014Published by imagewerks on 01/13/2014Categories article artist artists coaching creative Creatively Fit creativity inspiration intuition photography UncategorizedKathy to be a part of Create You Telesummit!This is a direct repost of the email I got this morning from my friend, teacher & mentor… Whitney Freya. […]
09/03/2013Published by imagewerks on 09/03/2013Categories article BNI business communications community creative Creatively Fit creativity designer imagewerks photography Prince William county publications publish Uncategorized woodbridge Workhouse Art CenterArtist Turned Entrepreneur – Potomac Local articleVery honored to have been interviewed for this article in today’s Potomac Local. Hope you enjoy it! All of this […]
11/06/2011Published by imagewerks on 11/06/2011Categories art artist Creatively Fit creativity drawing mural paintbrush painting paper UncategorizedWhat Do Art & Education Have to Do with One Another?What does being a kid again & creativity have to do with one another? It’s a thought that crosses many people’s […]