06/29/2011Published by imagewerks on 06/29/2011Categories certified coaching community Creatively Fit creativity design principles designer drawing empathy imagewerks IPDET meaning mural trainingGetting Creatively Fit with a Corporate TwistAgain – it’s one of those delayed posts, where have I been? It’s been an exciting time in the life […]
02/04/2011Published by imagewerks on 02/04/2011Categories award coaching creativity hylton performing arts center imagewerks photography Workhouse Art CenterAnother Nod of ExcellenceI apologize for not keeping up with our blog – inbetween life, the universe & everything…. something had to give […]
10/09/2009Published by imagewerks on 10/09/2009Categories art creativity graphic design illustration imagewerks painting photographyTwo-sided CreativityFor a long time we’ve been telling people all about our business & our talents. They know that GC & […]
08/12/2009Published by imagewerks on 08/12/2009Categories advertising communications creativity marketing messagesSuccess & MarketingI do alot of reading or investigating of what to do to market our business & our clients. There seems […]
08/07/2009Published by imagewerks on 08/07/2009Categories creativity inner wisdom intuition meditationcreative intuitionThis evening, I thought I would sit & see if I could tap into a part of myself that I’ve […]
08/05/2009Published by imagewerks on 08/05/2009Categories books creativity graphic design inspiration publications writingideas rolling in my head…I’ve been thinking to myself that when I decided to start writing a blog, it was a gut wrenching idea. […]
08/02/2009Published by imagewerks on 08/02/2009Categories creativity marketing photography targeted audiencenew ideas… staying positiveToday was an interesting process. When I say process, I actually mean working a process to my day. I’m working […]
07/26/2009Published by imagewerks on 07/26/2009Categories business creativity graphic designSpinning the Creative Web…About a year ago, I decided that we would join the blogosphere world. At that time, it was a well-meaning […]