08/03/2011Published by imagewerks on 08/03/2011Categories American Civil War camping imagewerks living history Manassas photography reenactment UncategorizedBeing a Part of HistoryIf you’ve been following the news in our parts you know that the 150th anniversary of the start of the […]
06/29/2011Published by imagewerks on 06/29/2011Categories certified coaching community Creatively Fit creativity design principles designer drawing empathy imagewerks IPDET meaning mural trainingGetting Creatively Fit with a Corporate TwistAgain – it’s one of those delayed posts, where have I been? It’s been an exciting time in the life […]
02/04/2011Published by imagewerks on 02/04/2011Categories award coaching creativity hylton performing arts center imagewerks photography Workhouse Art CenterAnother Nod of ExcellenceI apologize for not keeping up with our blog – inbetween life, the universe & everything…. something had to give […]
06/02/2010Published by imagewerks on 06/02/2010Categories Bermuda creative focus graphic design Harpers Ferry illustration imagewerks Manassas painting photography travel Workhouse Art CenterReviving the Creative ConversationBack in January, the excuse for not contributing to our blog was I was busy – and then 6 months […]
10/31/2009Published by imagewerks on 10/31/2009Categories award business awards chamber of commerce home based imagewerks virginia woodbridgeImageWerks Wins Business of the Year Award!!ImageWerks, lc Named Home Based Business of the Year by the Prince William County Regional Chamber of Commerce WOODBRIDGE, VA […]
10/09/2009Published by imagewerks on 10/09/2009Categories art creativity graphic design illustration imagewerks painting photographyTwo-sided CreativityFor a long time we’ve been telling people all about our business & our talents. They know that GC & […]